Introduction to Power Figures by James Cordier: A Guide to Grain Market Analysis

Power Figures for Grain Market Analysis What are the Power Figures? The Grain “Power Figures” are two key numbers that can give a “snapshot” of the fundamental situation in any grain market analysis. We call them this because they heavily influence their price predictive power in any grain market. The two key Power Figures you

Introduction to Power Figures by James Cordier: A Guide to Grain Market Analysis2024-03-08T08:46:50-06:00

Cryptocurrencies: Crazy Gamble or Must Own Asset Class?

Crazy Gamble or Must Own Asset Class? In recent years, the financial landscape has witnessed a seismic shift, none more transformative than the ascension of cryptocurrency, with Bitcoin leading the charge. Despite the volatility, including significant price corrections, the enthusiasm for Bitcoin and its crypto counterparts remains undiminished. I encountered the unwavering interest in Bitcoin

Cryptocurrencies: Crazy Gamble or Must Own Asset Class?2024-03-08T08:45:09-06:00

Seasonal Tendencies: The Commodity Trader’s Ace in the Hole 

Seasonal Tendencies: The Commodity Trader's Ace in the Hole    If there has ever been a more controversial, misunderstood, overregulated, in and out of vogue tool for "forecasting" specific commodities prices, it is seasonal tendencies.  To define, Seasonal tendencies, or "seasonals" as they are known, are the tendencies of the price of a commodity to move in a

Seasonal Tendencies: The Commodity Trader’s Ace in the Hole 2024-02-28T14:48:44-06:00

Rebuilding Resilience: James Cordier’s Inspirational Journey in Commodity Trading

A Fresh Chapter in Commodity Market Insights In the aftermath of challenges, there emerges a story of resilience and reinvention. James Cordier, after the closure of his trading firm, chose not to retreat but to quietly observe the tumultuous waves of global markets. Over the next two years, he stood on the sidelines as

Rebuilding Resilience: James Cordier’s Inspirational Journey in Commodity Trading2024-01-05T13:39:06-06:00

The James Cordier Update: Introducing the Cordier Commodity Report

A Fresh Chapter in Commodity Market Insights In the heart of Tampa, Florida, amidst the sunlit corridors of the Truist Building, James Cordier has embarked on a new chapter in his remarkable career — the Cordier Commodity Report (CCR). While the backdrop remains familiar, the narrative has evolved, echoing the resilience and experience of

The James Cordier Update: Introducing the Cordier Commodity Report2023-12-27T21:03:52-06:00

Unveiling the True Cost: What James Cordier Lost in the OptionSellers Downfall

An Effort to Maintain True Transparency In the aftermath of the OptionSellers scenario, the question lingers: What did James Cordier lose? Unraveling the nuances of this complex situation reveals a story that extends beyond mere financial figures. Clarifying Distinctions: James's Non-Participation in Trading To begin, it's crucial to clarify

Unveiling the True Cost: What James Cordier Lost in the OptionSellers Downfall2023-12-27T21:30:36-06:00

OptionSellers: Where Are They Now?

Navigating the Aftermath and Where They Stand Today In the wake of the OptionSellers saga, curiosity lingers: Where are they now? The aftermath of the catastrophic events has left many wondering about the fate of the trading firm and its key players. Let’s delve into the unfolding chapters of OptionSellers’ story and explore where

OptionSellers: Where Are They Now?2023-12-27T21:37:18-06:00